🎉 1,427,378 Meals Distributed in 2024 Thanks to You!
Each year, The Kaleo Foundation has grown in its reach and in its impact for the Kingdom of God. Not because of us, but because of God’s touch on hearts like yours. Volunteers and others who come alongside us with a genuine shared compassion for ministry are making a difference. Some come alongside Kaleo by giving and others by serving. We thank you for all you do to help us reach the lost with the Good News!
Kaleo's Mission
To meet the critical needs of children, relieve hunger, and eliminate illiteracy in Oklahoma and neighboring states. We’re committed to improving our region, one school and one child at a time.
2025 Goals
Invest in Schools and Community Gardens: We would like to see our community garden program blossom into a full garden program that will facilitate children learning how to care for their families through sustainable living.
Invest in our Team: We would like to see the addition of five full time positions to our team, including a Volunteer Coordinator, Warehouse Manager, Inventory Manager, Grant Coordinator, Marketing & PR Coordinator. This will allow each of the areas to flourish and grow into all that God has for this organization.
Invest in our Building: We would like to purchase a building that will belong to Kaleo rather than leasing, enabling us to further our mission of spreading the gospel.
Thank you to our major sponsors for 2024! We appreciate you!