Oklahoma Citizens Face Greater Risk From Education System Than Tornadoes!

This year, Oklahoma finishes 47th among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with an overall score of 68.3 out of 100 points and a grade of D-plus. The nation as a whole posts a grade of C.

Diving into the findings for the three graded indices, Oklahoma earns a C in the Chance-for-Success category and ranks 43rd. The average state earns a C-plus. In School Finance, Oklahoma receives a D and ranks 43rd. For the K-12 Achievement Index, last updated in the 2016 report, it finishes 39th with a grade of D. The average state earns grades of C and C-minus in School Finance and K-12 Achievement, respectively. More details on results in these categories are reported below.

Education quality indicatorOklahoma National average
 Chance for success C C+
 School finance D C
 K-12 achievement D C-

Source: Education Week, Quality Counts 2017

A hungry child can’t properly focus on learning until that basic physical need is met. When you take into account the relatively high number of impoverished children in our school systems, it’s no wonder why Oklahoma ranks so low.

Through our work with local churches and other faith-based entities, we provide snacks, beverages, school supplies, and other items to students, faculty and families of Title I public schools. The Kaleo Foundation is redefining the impossible.